This Website Data Privacy Statement describes what we do with any information (“personal data”) about you that is collected when you visit and use this website.
The statement is provided in accordance with article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Code (see D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 – Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali – italian regulations about the personal data protection) to the visitors to and users of the services available at which leads to the home page of the Energeco S.r.l. Site.
The statement applies only to the Energeco Site alone and not to other websites linked to it.
The statement also refers to the EU Recommendation 2/2001 adopted, on 17th May 2001, by the Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data (established by article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC), for the purpose of laying down certain minimum requirements for collecting personal data on-line in the European Union and, in particular, for determining the procedures, time frame and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to website visitors or users when they access a web page, regardless of the reasons for which they do so.
Where possible, users must view all the specific regulations present in the various sections of this website.
The personal data of visitors to or users of this site may be processed.
The data “controller”, with respect to any personal information, is Energeco S.r.l., che ha sede in Roma (Italia), Via Carlo Veneziani n. 28, 00148.
The personal data collected in connection with the web services provided through this site are processed at the headquarters of Energeco S.r.l. only by the duly authorised employees, collaborators or members of Energeco S.r.l., or by any persons responsible for occasional maintenance operations, and shall not be circulated or disclosed to third parties, except as provided for in the statement and/or by the law and, in any case, in accordance with the conditions and procedures set out therein.
No information collected in relation the web services will be disclosed or circulated.
The personal data collected in connection with any requests submitted through the website is processed solely for the purpose of fulfilling the request or providing a service and will be disclosed to any third parties only to the extent that this is necessary for achieving the above mentioned purpose, or if required by law.
Browsing data
Generally speaking, the information systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire and store personal information, the transmission of which is inherent in the use of the Internet communication protocols.
This information is not collected in order to be associated with the person concerned, although it could lead to the identification of the user, due to its nature and through subsequent processing and association with the data possessed by third parties.
This data group includes the IP addresses or domain names associated with the computer used by the website visitors, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used for submitting the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the number code indicating the server reply status (success, mistake, etc.), and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT environment.
This type of data is used only for the purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information on the website, and for making sure that the site is working properly, and are erased immediately after being processed. The data, however, may be used in connection with any investigations, in the case of computer related offences against the site: except as regards this possibility, web contact information is generally kept for no more than seven days.
Personal data may be processed on paper, digitally or telematically.
Information provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the email addresses provided in this site, or the provision of information through online forms, entails the acquisition of the sender’s email address, in order to send a reply, and of any other personal information included in the text of the email or the online form.
Specific short personal data protection statements are provided in the site pages relating to certain special requests.
Energeco disclaims any liability arising from the unlawful disclosure of the personal data of third parties by unauthorized users.
In computing, a cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user’s computer by a web browser, if this has been enabled to accept them.
The purpose of cookies is to signal visits to a certain website and to enable web applications to send information to individual users, providing them with certain specific functionalities, as well as to improve the service by verifying the pathways used by visitors.
No personal information of the user is collected by the website through a cookie.
Cookies are not used to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are so-called “persistent” cookies of any kind, or user-tracking systems, used.
The use of so-called “session” cookies (i.e., which are not permanently stored in the user’s computer, and which are erased when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server), which are necessary for safe and efficient browsing purposes.
Session cookies are used by this website to avoid using other computer techniques potentially prejudicial for browsing privacy and are unable to collect any personal user information.
Except for browsing data, users are free to provide personal data in connection with requests for information materials or other types of services provided by the company, or in respect of other notices.
The failure to provide certain personal information, however, may entail the impossibility, by the company, to fulfill a request.
Personal data may be processed by us either manually, on paper, and/or electronically, and for an amount of time that is strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it is collected.
We have put into place specific security measures to prevent the loss and improper or illegal use of and unauthorised access to the data.
Data owners, within the meaning of article 7 of the Personal Data Protection Code (see D. Lgs. n. 196/2003), are entitled, at any time, to obtain: (i) confirmation of the existence of any personal data concerning them, and (ii) information as to the content and origin of the data, to verify the accuracy of the data or request that it be integrated, updated or corrected.
The same article entitles data owners to request the cancellation of any personal data concerning them, its transformation into an anonymous format or the blocking of any data processed in violation of the law; data owners may also oppose the processing of any personal information, for legitimate reasons.
Any requests made in relation to article 7, as mentioned above, must be sent to Energeco S.r.l., Via Carlo Veneziani n. 28, 00148, Roma, or emailed to
Revision of 15 march 2013